URAC Accreditation Demonstrates Telehealth Quality Worldwide When The New York Times determined criteria for ranking the top telehealth organizations, they…
“What makes telehealth work: Insights from Australia and Brazil and ongoing developments in standardisation of telehealth services.” The ISfTeH Working…
“QAI framework and process for accreditation of telehealth services” The ISfTeH Working Group on Standards and Accreditation for Telehealth Services…
The workshop is intended for companies and individuals who would like to participate in creating new health solutions and improving…
The MI’22 Congress took place on 10th and 11th of November. It was educational event in the field of health…
This webinar was presented on 27 of June by the ISfTeH Standards and Accreditation for Telehealth Services (SATS) Working Group…
The ISfTeH Education Program invites you to the first edition of the Flash Courses Series. The first edition will take…
On April 21, we joined the monthly meeting, where the main topic was the presentation of the project: Providing remote…
The ISfTeH Working Group on Standards and Accreditation for Telehealth Services published the International Code of Practice to make it…
Each year, the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth, the global digital health network, organises its annual International Conference in…
Neja Samar Brenčič presented Co-creation in e-health public services within the sesion End-users, vulnerable groups, e-democracy The conference follows the…
E-Government Conference “Human-Centric Digital Transformation of Public Sector”. On December 10, 2021, an online conference eGovernment services will be organized…
Digital health care is here to stay. And it is imperative that telehealth services are as safe, secure, and effective…
We had a privilege to represent ISfTeH International society for Telemedicine and eHealth in the intersessional deep dive sessions organised…
You are invited to the event “The Future of Digital Transformation in Europe”, which will take place on October 6…
On 15 June, the Development Council at SAZU organized an online consultation on Slovenia’s digital development. As part of the…
15. junija je Svet za razvoj pri SAZU organiziral spletni posvet o digitalnem razvoju Slovenije. V sklopu 3: Okrogla miza…
The workshop “A Step Forward to Remove the Existing Barriers to Cross-Border Telehealth in the EU”, will take place on…
Digital Day 2021 will bring together Member States to discuss current and future challenges of digital technologies and commit to…
We participated in the 3rd Slovenian Digital Forum, which took place as a video conference on November 26, 2020. As…
Stakeholders of the Digital Coalition of Slovenia, coming from the economy, civil society, research and development and education sectors, local…
mag. Neja Samar Brenčič, mag. psih., spec. superv., Zavod IZRIIS, Ljubljanaand Dr. Drago Rudel, univ. dipl. ing. el., MKS Elektronski sistemi…
ITU-T Y-series Recommendations examines how artificial intelligence could step in to bolster the intent of urban stakeholders to deploy Internet…
Tomasz Winiarski, Jakub Sikora, Dawid Seredyński, Wojciech Dudek have submitted an article to ICARA 2021, the International Conference on Automation…
Our Article “Fusion Mechanisms for Human Activity Recognition using Automated Machine Learning,” is available under the ” has been accepted…
Artificial intelligence (AI)—the phenomenon of machines being able to solve problems that traditionally require human intelligence—has seen an enormous rise…
We participated in online workshop Artificial Intelligence, 13.10.2020, which is the second workshop in a series of workshops in the…
We participated in online workshop Digital Challenge – Digital Slovenia, 08.10.2020. The Digital Slovenia strategy 2027 is a continuation of…
We attended the 22nd International Multiconference Information Society with contribution: Standards of quality for telehealth services for older adults –…
The ITU/WHO Focus Group on artificial intelligence for health (FG-AI4H) works in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) to establish a…