mag. Neja Samar Brenčič, mag. psih., spec. superv., Zavod IZRIIS, Ljubljana
and Dr. Drago Rudel, univ. dipl. ing. el., MKS Elektronski sistemi d.o.o., Ljubljana
“The world of standards that, although offering benchmarks for businesses involved in Digital Healthcare, is often ‘hidden’, both for businesses and for the users of relevant products and services.” (M. Fisk, Key Ethical Benchmarks for Digital Healthcare, Webinar, May 5th, 2020)
To ensure quality of telehealth services the use of standards is indispensable. There are only a few standards of services in the field of telemedicine and eHealth, so standardization institutions and user associations are joining efforts with various stakeholders to work together in the development of such standards. The already existing standards are only partially implemented in health strategies and in need of greater enforcement.
In the light of the current COVID19 pandemic, vulnerable groups such as patients, elderly adults, and chronic patients are even more exposed to the undeveloped standards of services in eHealth protocols. Also, the lack of standardized eHealth services implay that medical professionals are working in a more demanding work environment.