After a sweet and playful carnival, today on Ash Wednesday, the traditional 40 day fast begins. This is a time when we can “clean” our body or mind. It used to be that we gave up meat, but today we can challenge ourself with givin up any of our bad habits for 40 days.
One such habit can be drinking alcohol. In the campaign: 40 days without alcohol, organized by Caritas Slovenia, the Traffic Safety Agency and the Med.Over.Net institute, they have been emphasizing for 16 years that alcohol is the most widespread drug in Slovenia.
Although many harmful and irreparable consequences are known, we still have a tolerant attitude towards drinking alcohol and intoxication. It is particularly worrying, that more and more children and adolescents are encountering alcohol before the age of 13, most with parental permission. Drinking at young age causes damage to physical development and increases the likelihood of addiction in adulthood.
This month, we also sent our educational presentation Choose a Healthy Life to all high schools, where we educate and raise awareness about alcohol. >> more
Source: https://www.24ur.com/, (17.02.2021)